صلوات الله و سلامه عليك يا ايها الشهيد عبد الله المحض

صلوات الله و سلامه عليك يا ايها الشهيد عبد الله المحض

عدد الزيارات من لوحة التحكم في الموقع

12 sept. 2018

To my family Habsburg all over the world help

As you know the army of PORTUGAL was in AGADIR
I'm one of the grand sons of the king of portugal
Please help i want to marry my wife the empress mahra
The great responsbiles in morocco are doing everything against me
And against my wife the empress mahra
Half an hour before
They were doing a big mistake
They were stoppping LUX RADIO
In order not to allow my wife the Empress Mahra to show me her voice in this radio

And yesterday they made love  on her though she did not agree
And in their palace against her will
They always threaten her
They use their power against her and against me
They always say to her come on the spot to our palace
We want to fuck you and we are going to marry  you even if you dont want

 They also say to me you must spend  your money in our
Super market
And they send their agents to follow me if i go to other super markets
If i go to the ATM machine
They take my credit card
And they dont want to give it to me again
They want to steal my wife the empress mahra from me
Though the fact that  she dont want to marry their son
She wants me
Please help me and help the empress mahra Almaktoum my wife

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