صلوات الله و سلامه عليك يا ايها الشهيد عبد الله المحض

صلوات الله و سلامه عليك يا ايها الشهيد عبد الله المحض

عدد الزيارات من لوحة التحكم في الموقع

4 oct. 2018

The emperor of the world and the united states of America assayed donald trump .My family Hapsburg HELP.يا اهل بيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و اله في العالم انقذوني و انقذوا زوجتي الامبراطورة مهرة

Very urgent
The son of the king of Mirocco want to steal my wife the empress Mahra almaktoum from me
His majesty the King of morocco Mahammed 6 gave her to me as my wife
But his son Alhassan dont want to obey
To his father
He wants to marry her against her will
He is very dangerous to his father too
The empress Mahra wants me as her hasband
Please help us
Help her he is  hitting her
raping her  with violence now
he is making love on her against her will at this moment
It is very urgent
I am one of the grand sons of the king of portugal don manuel 1
And one of the grand sons of moulay idriss

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